Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Google Irony?

I think it's really funny that the google banner ad at the bottom of my blog sometimes says: "How to write a Rejection Letter. View Professional Business Tips." Check it out below by scrolling down and refreshing the page until it comes up. Will someone click on the ad and let me know where it takes you? (You're not supposed to click your own ads, or I'd do it myself.)


  1. Too funny!

    A quick click on the link takes you to "GenialFinder" ... a search engine of sorts (I've quoted their synopsis below).

    By the way, the top five "rejection letter" sites are:

    1) Employment Letter Rejections - www.findlegalforms.com
    2) Letter of Rejection - www.allbusiness.com
    3) Writing a Rejection - www.smarter.com
    4) Rejection - www.datingwithoutdrama.com
    5) Letter - www.eBay.com/deals

    Welcome to genialfinder. If you visit our site it means that you don't have time and money to waste! Nowadays, it is worth it to walk around and look at shops to find a gift, appliances, or electronics, and go crazy to find something at the right price? There are always so many people in shops, and it is so difficult, almost impossible, to find kind personnel that can help you find the right choice.

    They just do not care. So why should you be paying them a commission for a service that is not being provided? Having to drive to different shops to find different options to better suit your requirements? Why should you want to waste your time? We search tens of thousands of web sites only dedicated to shopping to provide you with simple and impartial suggestions and information, so that you will find the best deal, at the best price, at the right time! No delays, no lines, no stress! Try our search engine results as well as our search box and you will quickly find what you are looking for! Don't waste your money or your time, try our search engine, it is FREE!

  2. Hey Braces: Thanks for the list of rejection letter sites. I will check them out. Also, thanks for the ad check. Funny that the genialfinder ad doesn't appear to be written in English so much. Also, what does websearches have to do with Rejection Letters? Or do the Google Banners just customize the ad to get people to click and get sent to someplace entirely unrelated. If so, that seems like a sham. False advertising or something. Can they do that?
