Monday, June 25, 2007

Rejected by The Rejecter Blog

I tried to post a comment at the Rejecter, a blogspot by a literary agent's assistant, but I got rejected. Apparently, she didn't approve my comment, which was pretty benign, and decided to kill it rather than post. It's an interesting blog to read because you can get an idea of what we're dealing with here. Not good.


  1. What did you insult her? What did you say?

  2. It was nothing. Swear. While pummeling some uninformed,(potentially unwell)kid who'd sent in a half-baked query, the Rejecter complained about a migraine. All the comments on her blog were wishing her migraine away and seeming very concerned about her. I merely wrote inquiring about whether she'd considered that "in some cultures migraines are brought on by the curses of insulted writers." Or something like that. It was meant to be funny. Apparently, she didn't laugh.

  3. Hey I had a knockback from the Rejecter too. Again, my comment could no way be construed as rude, offensive or anything like that.I cannot remember the detail of it now (it was about six months ago)but I just took issue with some old baloney she'd posted and pointed up some factual errors in the information she was putting out - in a nice sort of way. I don't like her attitude and it scares me that the biz has people like her in fairly influential (from a wrtier's view)positions. Ah well, c'est la vie.

  4. I hear you singular sinclair. And we all know that she has to be, like, 17 years old, right? But then again publishing has always had children as its gatekeepers. Very strange. To me, she represents pure mediocrity in Miss-Snark shoes.

  5. Migraine is a debilitating neurological illness, not just a bad headache, and joking about it displays the same amount of tact as joking about any other debilitating neurological illness. (Test: would you say, "In some cultures, Parkinson's disease is brought on by the curses of insulted writers"?) However, as a fellow blogger, I think I would've let your comment stand and used it as an opportunity to say more about migraine. Then again, unlike The Rejecter, migraine is the subject of my blog.

  6. Oopsy--sorry Migraineur. I didn't mean to be offensive. The Rejecter was the one who said that the bad query was giving her a migraine, and I just ran with it and made a dumb joke. You are right, though. It's not a laughing matter. I stand corrected. I actually get migraines myself, so I know. I don't think that the Rejecter was offended by that though. I think probably she didn't like that I implied she was insulting writers right and left. Or something. I'm not sure.

  7. Rejecter: It's mighty fine of you to stop on over and leave a comment. I do truly appreciate it. Sorry to take your head-ache induced decision to delete my comment to heart. But, really, isn't that just like me to take it all so personally and then make a public gripe? I'm working on learning to "detatch with love," as they say. And, well, now I just plain like you and wish I hadn't gone and made those dumb comments about your age.

  8. It's really OK. It's natural for people to have gripes with me. I am, after all, "The Rejecter." I just prefer them to be sensible when they do it, or at least be laughably insensible, like the current woman I'm arguing with over mid-west authors.
