Saturday, July 21, 2007

So Like Totally Never!

An anonymous writer reports getting the above Valley Girl rejection-in-advance from Swink. It says: "We're very shorthanded at the moment, so you many [sic] not hear back from us for a while, but don't despair! We'll respond as soon as we can. We apologize in advance for the delay, but please, please, please don't email to nudge us about your submission. We know it's a drag to wait but rest assured we WILL be in touch with you eventually, one way or another, we swear." The writer additionally reports never having heard from Darcy & Karen again.


  1. You left a comment on my post "Is Talent Enough" (the Rose & Thorn Literary Ezine blog) - so I'm stopping by!

    You know, you can submit to us -R&T Literary ezine- although, dang, if we reject you, we'll end up on here *smiling* But we'd never end up on the mean or strange or misguided - but hope to be on the earnest or exemplary...

    The worst rejection I ever received was actually meant to be sent to another writer--I cringed when I wrote it, and felt bad for the writer who would eventually get this letter-which pretty much said she was an awful writer and her story sucked....ouch!

  2. oops - I said "cringed when I wrote it" - meant "read" it, since I've never had to send a rejection letter.

  3. Ha. It would have been much easier to say, "Don't email us, no matter what."

    I haven't been keeping up with your blog in the past week, so I'm not sure if you've heard about this:,,2129738,00.html

  4. Hey! Writer rejected rejected my comment here without even telling me why (or blaming the market; or saying that another blogger might appreciate it or etc etc). Is that fair??? Or in her subjective experience, was my comment wrong for her bulletin board?

  5. Sweetest of hearts: I don't know what you are talking about, but I would NEVER reject you. Maybe something happened somewhere on this blog, but I haven't disallowed a single comment. I love them all. Please re-post your comment; I'm sure that it is a good one and deserves to be published.
