Thursday, August 23, 2007

Never Say Never

This rejection was sent in by reader who explains that supposedly never rejects anything. It says: "Thank you for your submission to the International Open Amateur Poetry Competition. Unfortunately, after careful review of your contest entry, I am sorry to inform you that your poem "_" was not chosen for publication and is no longer eligible for contest prizes. We understand that poetry is a form of artistic expression and that it is not always understood by those who read it."

Apparently the submission's title was so overtly sexual that wouldn't even print it in the rejection letter, hence the empty quotation marks. The rejected poet explains: "I submitted to them because I was entering the Wergle Flomp Free Poetry Contest which 'seeks the best humor poem that has been sent to a vanity poetry contest as a joke.'" Oddly, the rejected poet notes having received the same rejection via email several times, and says this about it: "Hey, you can't have a bad dirty joke poem rejected too often."

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