Monday, August 20, 2007

The Whalen Wall

Here's a rejection from the agent Kimberly Whalen (who had me sign a Trident release before she'd read my novel--probably agency policy), sent from her assistant's email address. She writes: "Unfortunately, [title of novel], while quite interesting, is just not quite right for my list." I actually think it's a decent statement: simple without any flowery metaphors. Quite.

Anyway, note the p.s. about my absent SASE. I must have gotten tired and lazy and disorganized, or maybe I just lost the will to live.

1 comment:

  1. Don't say that you lost the will to live! Keep enjoy writing and keep trying to have your work published. You seem to have enough self-irony to get over the disappointments.

    I think that you are a female. I like you.
