Thursday, November 15, 2007

27 Rejections

Cartoonist Mike Lynch has a lovely little ode to rejection over at his site, Mike Lynch Cartoons. It seems that the above cartoon of his got rejected 27 times before landing in the Harvard Business Review. The caption reads: "How the hell am I going to spin this?" I have to say that cracked me up. He also notes other works that have received 27 rejections, including The Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley, And to Think I Saw it On Mullberry Street by Dr. Seuss. It's worth taking a swing over there to see a wonderful catalogue of other much-rejected favorites.


  1. Thanks for the linky. Very kind of you, W.R. Rejection is, as you and I have pointed out, standard operating procedure.

  2. There's a great book -- two of them, actually -- called REJECTION COLLECTION, and RJII -- of cartoons rejected from the New Yorker. Of course the cartoons are about 10 times funnier than the accepted ones.

  3. Hmmm. I see an anthology in my future: Best American Rejected Stories. I could put out a call for submissions. HarperCollins will publish it, now that O.J.'s book is gone.

  4. You're on to something, WR. I mean, they have Best Non-Required Reading, do they not? So nothing wrong with "Damn, My Ass Is Cold: Best Stories from the Slush."

  5. Oooooh.....good title, Zuma-beyotch. LOVE it!
