Friday, November 16, 2007

Ikea Sofa

The ad on the bottom of my blog is for furniture now. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I blame the Judith Regan posts.


  1. Or maybe it's because I like to lie down in a nice comfy spot while writing. I need a new sofa for my novel.

  2. Oh, you've lost your street cred! You've sold out!

    This is what Google ads picked for you? Furniture and office supplies? Sexy! They are awfully literal, aren't they? I'll click, though, so you get 1/1000 of a penny.

  3. Hey, was that a product-placement post? I didn't realize you sell ads. Hmmm. I've had a policy about ad-blogs. I won't mention it here. Clearly I never noticed yours. Now I have to re-think. I mean, at least they aren't blaring and moving enough to cause a seizure along your sidebar.

  4. Ads are totally lame. But if you read down through the category "What the Google?" you'll see that I've been struggling with it. Please, tell us what your policy is. We want to hear. We don't care if it disses me.

  5. Well, let's put it this way, I would never wear any item of clothing that contains the name of the designer/manufacturer in a place that can be seen. I refuse to be a billboard. My blog is an extension of me. It is so hard to get away from the commercial world that intrudes on everything, so I just try to avoid it as much as possible. But I live in the world. Commerce is our water and we are fish. It just taints the message a blog is giving when the message is accompanied by ads. I have made exceptions on occasion for book ads, because the blogger chooses the books and endorses them, I assume, from Amazon. And I know everyone has to put food on the table and I slave at a job for that, so I can't hold it against anyone. Your ads are so unobtrusive I never even noticed them, which is bad for the ad people but falls within tolerable for me. I just assume that in the future all blogs will have ads and all bloggers will have to pay monthly fees and that even water won't be free anymore. We are in a bubble of a free service. Why spoil it for a few measly bucks unless you really need it. Fuck Staples, that is advertising on your blog today. I buy their cheap printer paper. I'm loyal to it. What else do they want from me. OK, so that's my "policy" rant. I still love your blog and am loyal to it until some ad starts to actually MOVE AND FLASH ON AND OFF IN MY FACE.

  6. What's wrong with you people? It's obviously a couch for psychoanalysis. Nice and long and comfy.

  7. Oh, like a place for me to work out all my rejection angst. Well, that's very clever of the Google Ad Man.

    TIV: I'm down with your philosophy. I like your anti-commercial style, man.

  8. Hey, check out my Slush Pile Conspiracy post today. I'm very curious what you think of the whole thing.

  9. I'm confused. Did Judith Regan actually have sex on the ikea sofa?
