Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Drive Thru Rejections

Here's something. The blog BookEnds, LLC--A Literary Agency will fast track your rejection via a blog post. This one is entitled Pitch Critiques Round 18 (suggesting 17 other rounds?). To me, this is like driving through McDonalds for a quickie burger with cheese. Here's a little taste of what you can expect over there:
Pitch: Astrologer Di Darwin solves with a timed horoscope chart the murder of an old woman who chokes to death on a boiled Maine Lobster. Susie's amateur sleuth mystery.

Agent Response: The idea of an astrologer amateur sleuth interests me, but the writing would ultimately result in a rejection. Although the boiled Maine Lobster sounds hysterical, so I might consider it again. Nope, I would reject.

What will they think of next?


  1. This bugs me. Maybe I'm paranoid but I would not post my pitches on line like that. Ideas are like gold, and I ain't gonna give that away, either.

  2. I adore my latest little press release. I sent it to twenty thousand (20,000) US Publishers, UK Publishers, US Agents, UK Agents, Movie Agents, Producers, and Studios, along with sundry Media Guys, Publicists, Teachers and Bloggers and didn't hear an intelligible peep from any of the totalitarian twits...which exactly proves my point: Judeo-American fascism kicks every other kind of fascism's ass nine days a week. Onward, Christian soldiers. Might makes right. Don't ask, don't tell. Arbeit Macht Frei. The glory that was the USA is of another day. You think it's funny but it's snot. Ooh-rah.

    Ginny Good (ISBN: 0972635750) is a narrative nonfiction account of what really went on in San Francisco in the sixties...and a bunch of other stuff nobody knows. It was the best, brightest, most beautiful work of literary art published anywhere in the world so far this century but nobody got to read it 'cause it didn't get any hype from the money grubbing media and entertainment ghouls who run the permanently closed propaganda gulag. Oh, well. I just got all the rights back from the publisher and made it into a free e-book and a free audio book. Yippee!


    And here's a link to a short sample chapter from the free fifteen-hour audio version of the same gorgeous book.


    If you want a copy of the whole thing on .mp3 CDs, let me know and I'll gladly send you a copy. Thanks. G.

    Gerard Jones

  3. BookEnds is merely picking up where Miss Snark and her Crap-o-meter left off. PLENTY of people had no qualms about pitching her their stories in order to get some feedback.

  4. Interesting. I kind of hate it & like it at the same time. I wonder if they let people know they are putting their work up? It seems like a violation of confidentiality if there is such a thing in the publishing market.

    On the other hand, if the writer is a willing participant, I see real value in it. Mrs. Snark was great and a carry-on blog is a great opportunity for further learning.

    Thanks for sharing the link!

  5. Erase that comment from "anonymous," the second commenter. He sent me spam! That is not acceptable.

  6. Nah. I don't erase people's comments. I also don't really believe in spam. If someone wants to publicize his/her website here that's cool with me. It's a free Internet.

    Also, Gerard is da' bomb. He started all the revolution to dethrone the crowned princes and princesses of publishing. Many writers have found his blog www.everybodywhosanybody.com to be a great resource, including me. Check it out. The pubs and editors went crazy when he put it up, which was fun.

  7. Gerald reminds me of that Will Ferrell SNL skit, where the guy has been practicing yoga so he can blow himself...and now he just needs a few minutes alone.

  8. Well, all right, if you say he's okay, he's okay -- but what's with the "Judeo-American fascism" shit? No one responds to his spam, and suddenly it's the Jews' fault??

  9. Oh, I was so hoping people would try to fill that void. Miss Snark was lovely, I find it very reassuring to be told a snarky truth then have someone dance around the topic of my non-spiffyness.

  10. Oh, I was so hoping people would try to fill that void. Miss Snark was lovely, I find it very reassuring to be told a snarky truth then have someone dance around the topic of my non-spiffyness.

  11. Judeo-American fascism is a million times more pervasive and murderous than "Islamofascism" or any other kind of fascism ever dreamed of being...it has nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with money. You two-bit little dickweeds are falling all over yourselves to get book deals that will prove only that you've become an acceptable Judeo-American fascist the same way Leni Riefenstahl fell all over herself to get to make Nazi movies. Good luck. Give my regards to Joseph Goebbels when you get what you think you want. G.

  12. Who's the one who sent out 20,000 press releases and complains he didn't hear a peep?

  13. Me, Tweedle-dee. I ain't complaining; I'm proud of the fact that I didn't hear a peep. Are you kidding? If I'd heard anything from the scaredy-cat little dingbats I'd figure I was doing something wrong. Your poor brain is so squeaky-clean it must hurt to think a rational thought. G.

  14. Awfully convenient.

  15. Actually I think Gerald makes a good point. He ought to have gotten some publicity somewhere, but the publishing world is f**ed, which is the reason for a website like this one.

  16. The "publishing world" is beyond f***ed. There are all sorts of exquisite reasons for websites like this one. There hasn't been a single decent sentence published anywhere in the world since 1984 (well, other than all of mine, of course). Whose fault is that? Not yours. Guys like this anonymous twit who wants you to "erase" my comment, that's who. If some big publisher wants to publish your stuff that's an ironclad guarantee that it sucks. Now if only my name were "Gerald." G.

  17. Gerard: Ooh, sorry, man. Typo on your name.
