Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Which Well-Known Literary Magazine?

This rejection would be so much more fun if he'd divulged its origins, but it's still pretty fun.


  1. You were nice enough to post, so figure I should divulge: It's AGNI.

  2. Thanks, Seth! We really like to know these things.

  3. Oh, rot.

    I was reading this and as soon as I saw the text of the first rejection, I called it as "AGNI."

    And I'm at the exact place you are, Seth: one first generic one from long ago, and two "not the customary" ones. I've seen mentions of this uncustomary rejection elsewhere, which makes me think it's actually pretty customary. And I remain largely unpublished.

  4. AGNI has an inflated sense of self-importance, so that's not a surprise.

  5. Dear writers, I was attracted by the picture of magazines in college and thought I would give your work a try.

    So I got out early today and just went out to the drug store after work and saw no magazine by that name. clerk never heard of it either. Also, my town's library does not have any magazine named "AGNI" in the periodicals section. So where can I find this magazine, is it new?

  6. Thank you for posting the link. I typed in the link and found the site. They have a subscription special but no listing for where I can find this magazine locally. I put in a letter to the editor so that I might find out where it is carried. When I find out I will post the information here. I look forward to reading a good magazine of stories!

  7. Note: I thought I should let you know that I have not yet received a response to my inquiry. This is somewhat frustrating as I will have some time this weekend for which to read. I have placed a book mark on this page and will update your comment section when I hear back. I will check my mail next week. I am looking forward to the story magazines.

  8. Dear writers, it is after nine o'clock Monday morning (Chicago time) and I must note that I have gotten no response at all as a result of my inquiry to AGNI. As you may recall I attempted to contact the magazine last week in order to see where I might find this magazine. It intrigued me. I have never heard of this, it's been years since I have seen a "story" magazine.

    I tried to look. We have a good library in town and they have never heard of it. The main city library does not carry it. The newsstand at the drug store does not have it. I called three bookstores over the weekend and none of them carry it. Frankly, I am perplexed and worn out. I was looking forward to reading a "story" magazine. I liked the collage you posted and thought that I had been missing out on something, but now I simply am confused and also disappointed at this AGNI. Why would a magazine disregard its readers? They did not reply to my inquiry, and I cannot locate a circulation department for the life of me.

    So I will have to look elsewhere for stories. Perhaps an antique magazine purchased at E-bay?
