Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's Not You...It's We

An anonymous LROD reader sent in this rejection from an anonymous source, which I assume is a literary magazine or a small press: "We regret to inform you that, for whatever reason, your manuscript was not selected for publication. Please note that this does not reflect badly upon you, as a writer, but upon we, as a publication."

It reflects badly on they, all right!


  1. For WHATEVER reason? Give me a break

  2. That is a rejection up with which I would not put (as Churchill might have had to say in this market.) Thanks for your blog! Misery loves company especially such funny company. If you can't celebrate, better to laugh than to cry.

  3. there's a reason some small literary magazines and presses stay small literary magazines and presses.

    i'm glad it doesn't reflect badly on me, as a writer. because i know it reflects badly on me, as a person.
