Friday, March 28, 2008

The Last Story Contest

I've decided that I'm not going to send away to short story contests any more. This was my last one.  Disclosure: I did just enter my recently completed novel in two contests, though.  One was a free literary prize at a small press, which includes publication, and the other offers a prize of $15,000.00 plus publication.  But, they are contests nonetheless, and I will post the rejections when those come in.  Will I ever learn?


  1. I've gotten to the age where too many former friends and enemies judge those things, and who wants to be rejected (again) by your ex-girlfriend or secretly laughed at by your old nemesis? Oh, yeah, and pay $15 for the pleasure. I think not.

  2. I'm down with that. Just sometimes I can't help my masochistic self.

  3. did the prize go to an mfa from their program?

  4. I wonder if Jacob Appel even entered this one. Maybe not.

    I think your second "prize" should read "press". I hope you post a surprise announcement that you won. You sound worn down and it isn't right.

  5. We keep bitching amongst ourselves so it's easy to forget that our fearless leader is also rejected. Best of luck, W,R! And when you finally make it big, don't forget about all us little churchmice and small potatoes down here!

  6. I gave up applying to contests two years ago and haven't noticed a difference in my life as I never won one anyway, except that I have more spare cash. I also never buy lottery tickets.

  7. I also stopped attending writer's conferences and "retreats" and whatnot. It's a nice junket if you get invited as a speaker/teacher, but I think the whole promise of "networking" is overrated. Unless you aspire to be a speaker/teacher yourself one day.
