Monday, May 26, 2008

2nd Place In A Pinch

I'm beginning to think that You Know Who is unstoppable.  This time dude didn't take first place, but won 2nd place in a contest by The Pinch, a literary journal from the University of Memphis!

Other Appel publications can be read:
More importantly, do you think you say his name like the fruit?  Or with an accent on the last syllable?


  1. He also looks like he would beat you arm-wrestling. Okay, not you, me. One.

  2. WHY doesn't he have a book deal yet? What's the deal with THAT? I would bet a dollar that it's pronounced "AppEL" accent on the last syllable. But maybe there's a third possibility: "App_" with the "le" being almost silent, sort of French, like.

    And he still can't muster a smile.

  3. I think he's awesome. Like him more and more everyday. I'm not crazy about his work, but I am in absolute awe of his energy. More power to him.

    And I say it with accent on the last syllable.

  4. Appel. Like lapel. I knew someone in college with that last name, although it was spelled a little differently. And it was pronounced to rhyme with a piece of men's clothing you might put a flower in if you, for example, won every literary prize in the universe. Anyway, she was also a great arm wrestler, landing the guy who went to Yale Law School two years before she did (she wouldn't go near you if you had even a hint of a cold right before exams.) She wasn't actually a bad person at all, just very, very focused.

  5. someone needs to call this guy out!

    hmm. maybe it should be me.

  6. Finally, what I've been waiting for. The appearance of Appel.
