Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Or Maybe That's Just Plain Crazy

"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." -- Winston Churchill.


  1. I've been trying to finish this sentence all morning: "Failure is going from success to success with no loss of ..." but unfortunately, I've failed to come up with a thing. Going from success to success is, after all, my whole purpose in life, despite the many ways in which I've failed to do that.

  2. How about:

    Failure is going from success to success with no loss of self-pity.

  3. Tho some of Winston's failures left others with no opportunities to get enthusiastic about anything, did they? Gallipoli leaps to mind.

  4. Plain crazy is right, this could be the definition of a psychopath. Certainly the right profile to be a film producer, literary agent or encyclopedia salesperson.
