Monday, May 19, 2008

Wikipedia is My Life!

Some kind LROD anonymouse made a nice little nest over at Wikipedia. Check it out.

One correction: Rosemary Ahern is an editor formerly of Washington Square Press, not an agent. And I love that Jacob Appel is included.  I hope he gets his own Wikipedia entry, just for fun.  He deserves it (more than I do).


  1. Further evidence of the unreliability of Wikipedia, for there's not mention of our friend Puc! We said to Puc, "it's not like really being published," but Puc said, "Wikipedia is like Disneyland; everyone goes at least once." He's distraught - seems everything that happens these days must be taken as a personal rejection. (Comment written, paid for, and posted by "Friends of Puc for Publication.)

  2. Appel has to be the most prolific short story write out there without a collection. If the "contest king" can't get a collection published, well, I might have to do something else.

  3. Someone should update the entry to include the fact that this place is a bastion of fake Iowa grads.

  4. Actually, all of us who post witty and thoughtful posts here should feel rejected. Why not? I agree with anony4puc, everything these days is an opportunity to feel personal rejection. Don't squander the chance fellow commenters.

  5. ahab,

    your leg was delicious.

  6. We grilled it with some Iowa corn.

  7. You are all equally notable in indelible ink in the Wikipedia of my heart.

  8. Something so unbelievably strange happened to me the other day. I had just read your blog entry about Jacob Appel. Then the next day I was on campus where I teach and I saw a big pile of outgoing mail in thick manilla folders--our just-released literary magazine being sent out to contributors. And yes, on the very top, one addressed to Jacob Appel.


  9. I'm telling you: Jacob Appel is Zelig.

  10. You should do an interview with Jacob Appel, so that we can get to know him better. And perhaps he has some advice.
