Friday, June 13, 2008

$3 Million for Non-Writer's Book

It's a sleepy publishing Friday, but I woke up (slightly) when I saw this bit of news in the New York Observer about a book deal for $3 million. The new boyfriend Dude (Russell Brand) who was in the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall (featuring full-frontal naked Jason Segel) turns out to be a British comedian.  HarperCollins bought Brand's so-called "book of rants" for that hefty sum.  He probably won't even have to revise it, let alone write it himself. 

I guess you have to be pretty to get that kind of publishing attention, right?  I better get out my eyeliner.


  1. Excuse me while I go spit up!

    And refresh my eyeliner.

  2. He's also pretty famous in Britain and it sounds like the UK arm of the publishing house is paying most of it. Still, it is a LOT of cash. Have you checked out his comedy on you tube?

  3. Anyone can pull off guyliner, but how many can rat their hair? I mean, he can't even wash it! The genius is...staggering.
