Friday, June 20, 2008

Bushoir Title Contest

As per yesterday's Bush post, apparently The Dub is considering writing a memoir of his own. Read it at Reuters here.  A highlight quote from the article: "I seriously don't watch TV. You know, I watch sports, but I'd much rather read books. And I do. I read a lot," he said according to a transcript released by the White House.

This is probably going to ruin books for the rest of us for good. I can see it now:  "Dear Writer: I can't publish your brilliant memoir, I'm busy with Bush."  Or "Dear Loser:  If Bush can't sell copies, why do you think you can?"  Or "Dear Rejecto: Buzz off. We only publish Presidents." 

Any suggestions for what Mr. Bush should call his new memoir?


  1. Title:

    Bush Whack: How I Avoided the Draft, Got Out of DUI's, and Stole Daddy's Car to the White House

  2. The Dub Flub: Everything Karl Rove Said I Should Do and More

  3. Prezidaintin's Hard

  4. Mission Accomplished: Screwing the American Public Out of Rights and Money

  5. Free World: Jesus Tells Me How

  6. DUHbya: a Memwrar

  7. It's a Bad Bad Bad Bad World! Madcap Nucular Adventures and Other Hysterical Tales by The Decider
