Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Go Digital, Save Money

The Economist has an interesting article about ink book sales in the recession here.  Thanks to the Syntax of Things blog for pointing it out in a clever post called "spineless." Here are highlights from the original article:

The costs of printing and shipping paper and cardboard are rising. Mr DeForge says POD is now cheaper than standard printing for runs of fewer than 1,200 copies, and the threshold is rising quickly. And if consumers become more price-sensitive, e-books may become more appealing. This week's Kindle bestseller, a political memoir by Scott McClellan, a former White House spokesman, can be downloaded from thin air in less than a minute for $9.99. A paper copy costs $15.37 on Amazon's website, and will not be in stock for three weeks.

Oh, what will become of us?

1 comment:

  1. If McClellan is any example we'll probably get puffy and sweaty, take some time off and then finally do the right thing.
