Friday, July 4, 2008

Are We Non-Notable Bloggers?

A reader pointed out the interesting debate at Wikipedia about whether or not it was fair to delete the entry for Literary Rejections on Display.

Comments include the following:
  • "A Google search reveals several thousand hits here though most of the sources are other blogs as farbric notes. Its [sic] a borderline subject. No Opinion at present but it seems to be a genuine site."

  • "It clearly is a subject of interest among major literary figures who contribute to its debates."

  • "Delete. It is a blog that doesn't appear to be have been covered in the mainstream media, or any other reliable source."

  • "Delete non-notable, borderline speedy"

  • "Keep. Good covereage at wet asphalt, entertainment weekly, the phoenix, other media-related sites. If we do reject the site, of course, it will add fodder the its own rejection theme."

  • "Delete non-notable blog. Too little coverage in 3rd party sources."

  • "Keep. Maybe Merge, clearly notable. Much of the coverage is under LROD. At a minimum, Somebody should probably write an article on [Jacob] Appel and include this as a subsection."

There's more over there in case you're interested, including the assertion that Joyce Carol Oates visits and blogs with us regularly. Nice, Wikipedia: forever passing along misinformation!

p.s. Though the polling function on Blogger is lame, I've got a little Wiki poll over to the right and down at the end of the column.  Please weigh in.


  1. P.S. The hyperlinks don't work for me though. But funny stuff.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am indeed a frequent commenter, but usually post as one of the Anonymice.
