Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Birthday Kindle!

So, as it turns out, the old fam pitched in and got me a kindle to keep my reading habit fueled.  I have to say, I'm really loving it.  It's compact (flatter and thinner than you'd think), easy-to-use, and great for travel.  You get to read a sample of two chapters for free of any book you like before you decide to download them wirelessly to your kindle.  The cost for most contemporary titles is $9.99. I got a bunch of amazon gift cards, so the downloads are credited to the gift cards, which is pretty wonderful.  I can even transfer my own manuscripts in word just to keep them with me.

In case you think I've too quickly gulped the Kool-Aid, I also got several traditional books as gifts, and I'm looking forward to reading those the old fashioned way.  

Here's my current reading situation:

The Monsters of Templeton (download)
Unaccustomed Earth (download)
The Lace Reader (book)
How Fiction Works (book)
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (book)
City of Thieves (sample to see if I'm going to buy)
The Emperor's Children (sample)
The Good Thief (sample)

I haven't figured out what newspaper, magazines, and blogs I'm going to download yet.  I'll keep you posted.


  1. The Lace Reader is excellent. Hope you enjoy it. :)

  2. My agent has a Kindle and raves about it. Not sure I'm ready. I'm a bathtub reader (big time), and over the years I've dropped a few books in the tub. But I'm thinking about it and will keep an open mind.

  3. Like your blog...we have similar blogs. Mine is about rejection too.
