Wednesday, October 22, 2008

$3 Bill is Nonrefundable in Massachusetts

Apparently the folks over at Massachusetts Review are requiring a $3 fee for electronic submissions, which though sad, is probably the wave of the future.  Because Pay Pal can be such a mess, you might want to think twice about submitting...because if the story doesn't get processed, you may not get your money back.  See details of one such harrowing story here.


  1. I said it before and I'll say it again: Lit journals that charge reading fees = scam. Don't fall for it.

  2. Their reasoning that a $3 fee saves the writer money is garbage. As creative types, they couldn't have come up with a more believeable excuse? Seriously, I have never more than $1.50 on sending out a manuscript by post, and usually it's less.

    If they had any balls, they would just come out and say what they are really doing: charging a reading fee.

  3. Are you freaking kidding me? If this the wave of the future then we are all screwed. I'm already paying enough for damn they want 3 bucks more? Give me a break!

  4. Hey Mousse,
    The Missouri Review does the same thing, except they don't claim that charging $3 is to save the writer money. They say it's "to cover administrative costs on our end".
    (I don't think it costs them 3 big ones to print out something from the submissions manager, so I don't think these guys are any more honest than the Massachusetts Review.) Where did all these litmags come up with 3 dollars as a magical reading fee?

  5. Hey Queen,
    the $3 is only for electronic submissions, not surface mail.

  6. Who's that I see on that three dollar bill? Isn't that our beloved batshit 45th POTUS, Michael Jackson?

  7. Mass and Miss Reviews at least pay their contribs more than $3...think of it as an expensive lottery ticket. I'm more worked up over Mass Rvw not responding to a submitter-in-distress email. What's up with that? They haven't earned their $3 until they read the submission, get with it ppl!

    I'm totally starting the 'POTUS Review', doesn't that sound like a typical zine name? Our reading fee is $2.99. To cover beer and pizza. For us, not you.

  8. Bob, I'm in. Hope you accept checks. Written in blood. I'll be submitting to POTUS just as soon as I finish mashing the lyrics to Thriller on one of those Greeking sites. The resulting Flash Fiction will be beer-worthy, even if only you, the ed, get to drink it. Peace out.

  9. POTUS Review is now up at or click on 'bob' up there.

    happy submitting!

  10. Thanks for the link, Writer Rejected. It's been 5 days and I still have no response from Mass Review. How long would you say is reasonable to wait before following up?

    To the previous comments, like TMR, Mass Review only charges for online submissions. My guess is they took their pricing directly from TMR and they're using it to offset the annual cost they incur in licensing Submission Manager, which frankly seems reasonable to me. I don't consider it a reading fee--and you can always submit snail mail if you prefer no fee. From my calculations it does indeed pretty much equal the costs I'd incur if I were to submit snail mail: postage ($1.68), return postage (.42), manila envelope (.25), regular envelope for return (.10), 20 sheets paper (.25), printing ink (~.10), driving to post office (I don't know--somethin), horrifically boring time spent printing and assembling the mailing (equivalent of a few days off my life span).

    That said, if the thing don't work, it ain't $3 dollars very well spent.

  11. I'm glad I never send my querys through e-mail.
