Friday, October 17, 2008

Point/Counterpoint: "Jane, You Ignorant Slut"

Amidst the call for more rejections on this blog, the above from Counterpoint Press came just in time.  Interestingly, it is not addressed to the writer (me) nor signed by the editor (supposedly Jack Shoemaker), though the return address said Charlotte Williams, Counterpoint Press Berkeley, CA. Some of you know that Counterpoint, Soft Skull Press and Sierra Club Books merged in order to save their independent enterprises.  All well and good, but I still got rejected.  

Have they eschewed the pre-printed rejection for stationery in need of a note?  This one says:  "I am sorry not to have been taken with this, but these are subjective matters and I do wish you good luck in finding a suitable home for this work."

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