Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rejection Without Submission?

An anonymous LRODer sent this rejection in to share, noting that on first glance (click to make larger) it seemed like any standard form letter, but our friend goes on to say: "I have no idea who Leslie Daniels is, and never submitted to her or 'daniels books LLC.' When I look her up, she appears to be a literary agent. So how did some of my work end up in her hands? (Plus, the note doesn't include my cover letter or any reference to what I submitted -- so I have no way of even knowing what she's rejecting). Eventually I discover that she's the editor of Green Mountains Review. What? Were they too cheap to print their own rejection slips? It's frustrating enough getting rejection slips without having to play detective to figure out what journal is rejecting you."


  1. Lot of scintillating comments you're getting, Rejected.
    Like I said (in the Appel/Spitzer post): Dullsville.
    Notice how, this time, I used "you're" correctly.
    You pointed out, Rejected (writing as Anonymous) my error. That's right out of the Karl Rove game plan: focus on something inconsequential while avoiding the main (and uncomfortable) issue.
    You mention (writing as Heynonnymous) great men like Genoways and Junker who've honored your blog with their presence. But in my original comment I mention that this site has been Dullsville for the past month. Now Strauss can't be bothered to comment on a post dedicted to his novel.
    Your book club idea was a flop. Your blog is turning into one too.
    What went wrong?

  2. Crazy Uncle Army? Is that you? Have you gone off your meds again? Escaped from the sanitarium?

    I think Mom's been looking for you, man. You better keep a low profile because she often comes around and blogs and she'll spot your flimsy anonymous cover.

    And here's another thing, Unc...if Karl Rove is talking to you again, plug your ears. Seriously.

    Also, it's not so good to project your many personalities onto others. For most of us, there is just one person inside, one whole person, and we write under one name. I know it's hard to understand, but it's true.

    Lastly, Uncle Army, if you're so bored, you should maybe see your doctor for some help. Boredom is probably a sign that something's wrong.

    Okay, peace to you, Uncle. I've always loved you best of all. You'll always be my crazy favorite.

  3. Really cunning, WR!

    The "Anonymous" above who accuses your blog of having become tedious (yet reads every boring word it seems) and who guesses that you and all the Anonymice are in fact one and the same person is a genius. Yes, THAT genius. Yes, I'm onto you WR - it's you again, isn't it?! Posing as your escaped lunatic uncle, messing with our heads, livening things up...

    BTW I'm the Anonymous who called out Crazy Uncle Army for using the wrong "Your". Clearly, that stung a little. And Karl Rove had nothing to do with it.

  4. i have a question about the person who emailed you the rejection story. didn't he/she put the name and address of the magazine on the sase? to and from, doesn't everyone learn how to address envelopes in kindergarten? seems it would save alot of detective work.

  5. my guess: predatory agent. buys info on rejections from lit mag. sends out fake rejection to writer gullible enough to write back and say, uh, what exactly are you rejecting. at which point, said predator says oh my mistake you say you are a writer we're always looking for good material...

    uncle air force

  6. Sounds like she just grabbed the wrong rejection slip. A mistake, but not exactly an unforgiveable one.

    Usually writers who don't ask for their manuscript back write the title on their return envelope, so they know who's rejecting what. I can't think of of many journals that will write out the title of your story or poem on their form letter for you.

  7. I know Leslie--as she's a regular teacher at the Squaw Valley Community of Writers and has always struck me as honest and reputable. She is both fiction editor of Green Mountains Review and a literary agent. No idea how she could have received your information unless as someone else suggested perhaps you submitted to Green Mountains Review and she mistakenly sent you a rejection from her agency instead, which also seems really unlikely. Very mysterious

  8. I also met Leslie at Squaw Valley, and although I think this was an honest mistake of mixing up rejection letterhead, I found her very rude and defensive in person.

  9. Have to correct you, Rejected (writing as Anonymous). "Yet reads every boring word, it seems." God, no! Even in the good old days I skimmed some of your posts; what interested me were the comments - when they had purpose, conviction, spirit, originality (or at least two of those qualities). You know, in the past.
    And I don't think you're "all the Anonymice." Just some. It would be second nature for someone who exists under a false identity to comment under various aliases.
    By the way, you failed to address my questions, Rejected. Just did some lame clowning around. But that's OK.

  10. No name calling, Heynonny; tempting though it is.

  11. An "idiot"!
    On the field of verbal combat you have the power to use words like a Swift or a Voltaire - to cut through weak flesh - and I am mortally wounded.

  12. If only it were true.

    Love how you've adopted WR's pet name for you, Trolly, good little bad little Troll that you are. Or, no, wait... Could it be?! Is that you again, WR, now disguising yourself as that pesky Trollster? OMG! Is there no end to your devious attempt to make it seem like you have loyal readers?

  13. Brings new meaning to the philosophy that we are all one people...
