Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We'll Take It!

Though I'm no Gawker fan, editor Nick Denton is leaving the site to start a new web site called the Unspiked Files, according to The New York Observer.  The new UF will published articles that have been killed (presumably because they are good not bad).

This is only good for us, the rejected rabble of the writing world.  Send them your rejected pages, your abandon articles, the leftover scraps of your soul!  (Or, I don't know, maybe don't.)


  1. Writer Rejected, I just have to tell you how cool you are. I log on every day, and pop by to cheer myself up while drinking my coffee. Its nice to not feel alone in the world of snarky agents, editors and unqualified criticisms. So, heres to you!! and to all the times I've commented anon. Perhaps one day signing my name will actually mean something. ;)

  2. Hi W,R,

    I love your site, have been reading without commenting for some time now. Hope your big rewrite is still going well. I completely gutted my novel, switching the narrative from first to third person. It sold to Random House in March, will hit the shelves in August of '09. This is after 15 years and sacks of rejection. Never say die, right? Keep going, girl. If you're not a girl, you at least have the warm witty soul of one.

  3. Johanna: Congratulations! That's fantastic and gives me big hope. I'd love to feature your rejection story in LROD's victory section near about the time your book drops on store shelves, so let's stay in touch through my email writerrejected (at) aol (dot) com.

    Thanks for the nice notes you guys. Though trollonymous will probably come around and say that I've written them myself! And am just being ingratiating to my own veiled identity coming around to flatter me.

    What?! It's gotten so confusing, hasn't it?

  4. Just a clarification, Denton isn't leaving Gawker, he owns Gawker Media. He's been acting as the managing editor for the flagship site ( while they looked for someone to fill the position which they now have, but he's still going to be a part of Gawker obviously. Unspiked isn't going to be a new, separate website, it's going to be a recurring feature on They've already posted a piece that was spiked by Rolling Stone almost ten years ago.
