Friday, January 9, 2009

Bad Satire, Really Bad

File this foolishness under "What was the New York Times thinking when they published this?" category.  May Julian Gough should stick to satirical novels.  Just saying.


  1. I didn't think it was that bad. A pretty thin joke that gets stretched too far, but that's pretty common with satire. Just look at the sketches on Saturday Night Live.

  2. So if I just start using the "find/replace" feature on my word processor, can I become a satirist, too?

  3. Foolishness??????
    I think this is very good satire, because at heart it's dead serious and makes a point.
    Which is: there's something wrong in today's publishing world and something should be done about it.
    Read this, folks. It's short.

  4. It's not the message, it's the execution. Terrible.

  5. Good idea, but I got it in about three lines, and then there wasn't much else. Now if only George Saunders had written something like this, then it would actually be funny . . .

  6. Gough: ...That collapse in confidence is choking the flow of ideas that is so vitally important to our literature....

    Me: zzzzzz

    Hello, flow check anyone?

    I've tutored ten year olds who write with better flow than that piece has. I know it's supposed t be a spoof of legislation, but legislation is boring. zzzzzzzz
