Monday, January 19, 2009

It's All (Going To Be) Good Now

So, people are gathering in the nation's capital for the big change of 2009. As for me, I'm staying home to work on my novel. But kids, I'm saying it now, in celebration of hope and as sure as the Washington Monument symbolizes a phallus: This is the year that I publish the bitch! (And I mean that in the best possible sense of the word because I happen to be back in love with my novel.)


  1. since this is a rejection blog i would focus on all the people who are *not* celebrating this so-called "change"... you know, all the people that the media is ignoring in all their fawning articles.

  2. Who do you mean? John McCain supporters? People who have been crushed by the economic downturn and have no hope that Obama and his peeps can turn it around? Or do you mean W himself?

  3. He probably means that lady I heard on the radio who still thinks we're about to become a "Muslin Nation."

  4. As far as your optimism about your "bitch", I share it. This will be the year for me as well. I will break into a big Lit Mag. I will. Let it be said, let it be done.

  5. Muslin Nation is perfect - a nation of fine fabric. Finally!

    All power to you, WR, hope your novel finds a home this year and that nobody else has to lose theirs.
