Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Run, Rabbit, Run

John Updike (who is oft evoked on LROD) has passed away at the age of 76 of lung cancer. Dude was a Pulitzer Prize winning novelist and a mid-century writer who many times graced the pages of the New Yorker.  Say what you will about him, but give him his props.  

I don't know.  I will admit, though, that I feel a little numb about Updike.  Guess, I'm still crying over Grace and Kurt.


  1. A tiny sliver of hope for LRODers: I think Mike Curtis now has extra slot a year.

    Well, provided they won't be filled with posthumous pieces.

    Updike, RIP. One of the last of the "working story writers" generation.

  2. LROD writes, "Say what you will about him, but give him his props. I don't know. I will admit, though, that I feel a little numb about Updike."

    I like how you "give him his props" and then, in the next two sentences, take it away. Why am I not surprised? Ugh. And "Guess, I'm still crying over Grace and Kurt" is disingenious. Give me a break.

  3. Good morning to you, too!

    All I really meant to say was that I feel an affinity for Paley and Vonnegut that I do not feel for Updike. He really wasn't my guy, but deserves to be recognized.

    Didn't mean to get anyone's hackles up on a neutral obit posting that expresses a preference, but, you know, it happens sometimes.

  4. you dare to Ugh??? you chose the deceased's name as your handle.

    pot, kettle, black, glass houses, and stones etc.

  5. Anon: I don't think it's being used as a handle; I think it's more of a sentiment.

    Anyway...a great loss. There are a handful of his stories that I have re-read a few dozen times. His best stories are truly great. A tip of the hat to the man's career.
