Friday, March 20, 2009

Doesn't Need to MEAN Anything

"E-book Pioneer," James Bridle collected two years worth of his Twitter posts and published a "sleek" hardcover on-demand at LuLu. The book is called My Life in Tweets. Says he: "I wanted to ... see if you could make a traditional diary/journal in retrospect. And you can, and it's quite nice. No, most of it doesn't mean anything, certainly not to anyone else, but it makes physical a very real time and effort ... " (Courtesy GalleyCat)

Somebody please throw me under a train if my life's meaning is ever so whittled down.


  1. dude(tte), it on lulu. i might feeling slashing if Random House bought this, but twitter+lulu is about as low as you can go. this is like easting Slim Jims for lunch and washing it down with RC Cola.

  2. "this is like easting [sic] Slim Jims for lunch and washing it down with RC Cola."

    Hey, this sounds like my life twenty-some years ago, but the RC Cola had rum in it. Ah, the memories!

  3. dag i type! i had rum
