Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hiccups Are Normal But Weird

A lit mag called The Normal School,  hands out the above rejection.  Tag line: "Trust us. We're normal."  They even have a blog.  (What the eff is all that stuff about hiccups?  I don't get it.) Debbie Yee even got a rejection sticker from TNS.


  1. When I was in high school, I might have thought this was funny. But then again, a lot of Gen X writers still love the preciousness and irreverence of this sort of humor. I'm Gen X too, I've just gotten a little jaded toward this kind of stuff. It's been done to death by now.

  2. It's one of those rejections that sort of makes you glad you didn't get in. Like with the &.

  3. Huh? This seems like brilliant self-taught outsider rejection writing to me. You could never learn this kind of out of the box thinking in an MFA drone production factory!

    Hurray for outsider editors!

  4. Their method for curing hiccups is totally bogus. When someone has hiccups you shoot a gun at a spot near his feet. And if the scare method doesn't work, you take him to the big Born Again Revival tent outside of town, let the faith healers expel the hiccups and send them back to hell.

  5. Let me interrupt the indiscriminate MFA bashing to say that The Normal School's first issue was really, really good. The pieces are pretty varied and entertaining as well as literary.

    Okay, return to getting the word out on that big MFA conspiracy.

    (Don't worry; I'm not implying every poster on this blog does so.)
