Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ridiculously Meaty Book Deal

Seriously...a bacon-wrapped, bacon-stuffed log of sausage turns into a six-figure book deal. One word for you: why? Maybe it's because I'm a vegetarian, but this makes me want to barf?


  1. Why would you begrudge these geniuses a book deal? I wouldn't eat it either, but that is hell-a creative, you have to admit. Your alternative is what? Pay six figures for a celebrity memoir of a celebrity whose bio is already on wikipedia? Another re-hab memoir?

    If the bacon book deal means that a publishing house isn't going to give a rich re-habber a sweet book deal to pay off his drug habit, I'm all for it.

  2. I begrudge the carnivores not a thing. I merely mean to point out how stupid everything is.

  3. Well, I agree with you on that W,R.

  4. Bacon's been basking in the culinary limelight for, I'm guessing, 4 years now...Try to hope that one day the mighty asparagus, or beet, or wild garlic shoot, will overtake bacon and then we'll have chocolate cake with asparagus foam and borscht food porn? That, or be irritated about the dominant carnivores who just don't get that tofu is actually yum-o.

  5. That photo looks like a giant turd resting on an afghan made out of bacon.

  6. I hope I didn't just bring this conversation to a screeching halt. My bad.
