Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It Only Costs 2 Sawbucks, Poor Writer!

Oh, Narrative Writing Magazine, Narrative Writing Magazine! When will you learn? The $10 appeal goes like this:  "$10 IS NOT SO MUCH when you consider that Narrative publishes more fiction writers, poets, and artists than any other literary magazine—more than 125 authors and artists in the first five months of 2009 alone—and we give our content away, free. With Narrative’s $10 Campaign, one donation combined with many has the power to sustain literature. In these tough economic times, with funding for nonprofits down, we’re asking everyone who enjoys Narrative to participate. We need you." I guess the backstage pass didn't go over very well in terms of profits.


  1. I truly hope they all go belly-up. Wipe the slate clean.
    And if no one writes something on the clean slate that the general public wants to read, and that is also excellent, so be it. Let Literature R.I.P.

  2. Nippelonia BolognaJune 17, 2009 at 12:14 PM

    Too funny! Karma finally caught up to them and now nobody will submit to their sham contests. And now they're poor. I have two ideas for a business models that are actually sustainable. Free of charge to you, Narrative. Please accept them in lieu of $10.

    (1) Run fair contests in which the winners are not your connections. That way, people will think they have a sliver of a chance of winning and continue giving you $20.

    (2) Attract advertisers by not publishing so much dreck. Gawd! Your crap is awful.

  3. Who's to say they are going belly up? I got the same call from A Public Space (written from Wells Tower, no less) and Glimmer Train. Narrative is doing what all other magazines do here. Asking for money when they are in a tight spot. Where's the evidence that they really are going down?

  4. What is the evidence they are even in a tight spot? If they are so money grubbing maybe this is just more grubbing.

  5. Hmm, I don't think journals ask for money unless they need it or foresee lean times ahead. But Narrative just might be that money grubbing that they'd ask for handouts even when contest fees are flowing in nicely. Do you think if we all just ignore Narrative they'll go away?

  6. No. They produce a beautiful magazine and the quality of the fiction is good. The layout is stunning etc. Everybody wants to be in it, despite the contest fees. There will always be writers who pay. Get over it. I don't get what all the hype is about.

  7. palms/forehead + groundJune 17, 2009 at 10:59 PM

    A Narrative "contest" winner has deigned to comment among us? We are not worthy.
