Friday, June 19, 2009

Potential Relationshipees Chat Over Lunch

This should really be my final post about BookEnds.  I don't know why I can't tear myself away from the eye-opening posts from this agent.  It's like a car accident on the side of the road.  Here's a recent post: "I’m actually going to... tell you a story about an author I recently offered representation to. I made a point of meeting this author in person and we had what I thought was a very pleasant and honest chat about publishing, her career, and all of those things potential relationshipees chat about. Upon returning from our meeting, I dropped Author an email to let her know how much I enjoyed our time together and included a copy of our author/agent contract for her review. A few days later I finally heard back: not surprisingly Author had a number of agents interested and needed time to think. About a week later I followed up to see how she was doing and to let her know I was available to answer any questions she might have. A few days later she emailed back to say she had decided to go with another agent. She was very complimentary, but left no real indication of what the deciding factor in her choice might have been. There was no reason to, and honestly, she really doesn’t owe me any explanation." Sorry, I couldn't resist. 


  1. I saw this and, with feminist creds waving in the wind, I couldn't help but think, God, is she PMSing or is she always this emotional?

    Let's bring it down from the edge, baby.

  2. it's a pretty one-sided account. maybe the dumped agent just sucks and the author did some research to find out. there's no implied commitment after a lunch date. now, if they had slept together after lunch...

  3. this seems pretty benign. i mean, she's obviously passionate about her job so it only makes sense that she would be taken back when she didn't get her writer.

    she also blogged about it, and as far as blogging rants go this is, also, very benign.

  4. Something in her tone makes me think she's a little bit rigid and unimaginative. That's reason enough not to go with her. Also, she doesn't seem to like writers very much.

  5. Rejected without any feedback? Welcome to my world, sister.

  6. Maybe the author doesn't like her blog.
