Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Attitude Adjustment for Thanksgiving*

  • Not thrilled about the traffic, but gleeful about Thanksgiving with the wonderful, wacky in-laws
  • Not pleased about literary career, but grateful I have a new novel that seems to be sticking
  • Unhappy about the death of books, but lucky to have this blog
  • Annoyed that editor keeps changing mind about this and that, including when to run my piece (a topical personal essay), but glad to be published just the same
  • Sad no one wants to publish my first novel, but thinking it over, what in the hell made me feel entitled to that fate, anyway? I'm a fortunate s.o.b. to have published my first book, an experience I basically squandered by being disappointed that it wasn't bigger 
  • Stupid to bummed when in fact I have been able to arrange my life so that I can make money as a paid writer and still have time to find fullfillment as a creative writer.  (Life is good.  Maybe it's time to stop whining, right?) 
  • I have food, a home, a job, a great marriage (to another writer, in fact), loving friends, and the best standard poodle in the world  
  • Oh, and, I even have you mice for company...
*Don't worry I'll be bitter again on Monday.  Hope you all have a great holiday with lots of blessings


  1. It's all over. The standard poodle reference gave you away.

    May the blessings keep coming and Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Mrs. Appel. Whoops!

  2. Standard, non-standard, they're all good dogs.

  3. Hey! I'm Mrs. Appel too. Someone has some 'splainin to do.
