Monday, November 23, 2009

I Have Much To Be Thankful For...So Ignore This Post

So, we have officially entered the season of silence, the months of no response from publishing professionals. You know the routine: holiday, holiday, New Year, see you in 2010.
     But here's a question for you: I still have the manuscript of my novel out with 3 potential agents: one has had the thing since August and wrote in September to say she was reading and would be back to me soon.  (Guess it wasn't a very impressive partial read.)  The other two have had the manuscript since early October. So, do I shake the trees to see if my novel falls out thrice rejected? Or do I just let it ride until January when my novel will come back on its own thrice rejected for the New Year? Remember this bold assertion that's now so sad?
    It's always a dilemma for me: rejection now or rejection later. I have decided to ignore the nauseating thimbleful of hope that inevitably gets in the mix to pull me out of reality. But I have had a piece about being a writer accepted for publication in a very widely read journal, so I could use it as an excuse for getting in touch.
    Any advice?


  1. I just wait 2 months after the initial contact, and then - if I haven't heard from them - send a "just checking in" e-mail every month.

    This process stretches on for about 2 years, during which time I have, historically, produced another novel, so I'm then ready to start the whole thing over again.

    Not this time, though...

  2. Come on. All you have to do is (1) prepare to self pub and (2) reveal your identity on the blog, maybe with an exerpt. You will sell your book. It will go viral. It may even be picked up by a "real" publisher.

    The only reason to be anon here is for fear of being blacklisted by the people who you've exposed on the blog. If you self pub and then twittr and blog your way to fame and fortune, those people can't touch you.

    It's a brave new world. We're looking for a leader. Go WR.

  3. I'd shoot out a friendly email, asking for an update.

  4. I'd leave it till January. I also buy lotto tickets and hold off on checking the numbers for a long time. As long as I haven't checked, I haven't not won!

    Stay cool. Keep writing.

    Just blogged on that. Might be helpful...or at least a laugh. You're invited. It's my post under the heading "Writer Envy."

    Good luck!

  5. Write something else while you're waiting.

  6. I say have a happy holiday season, then "publish the bitch" in 2010. I've had my Thanksgiving ruined by getting a form dis on my full, so I am definitely not nudging on the one hope -- a partial -- I've still got out there. My goal? Survive the rest of 2009 without any more excessive humiliation. This is the one time -- only -- that I would dare to give you, an actual published author, advice.

  7. which agent is most likely to be urged on by a little competition? drop that one a line that indicates you have some other suitors. maybe...

  8. As an editor with a huge backlog of submissions on my slushpile, I would find it incredibly annoying for anyone to contact me about the status of a manuscript unless it has been sitting on my desk longer than the maximum response time outlined on our submissions guidelines. (In my case, three months). Especially if simultaneous subs are allowed.

    Here's wishing you all success in 2010 and some Literary Bohemian Thick Skin Elixir. Free and liberal doses with each submission to an unknown market! Good luck, eh?

  9. Yes, there's no better time to start a new project.
