Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's So Bad It's Good, F. Larry

What the hell have I stumbled on here? Someone posting my version of heaven! F. Larry Badgood, indeed! I want to read the 100 pages of bad sex writing and be confused about the "orgy scene."  Is that spaghetti sauce?  Did someone actually go to the trouble of fabricating these rejections, as if he'd found them in the garbage, and then put them up just for our fun and enjoyment? How entirely amusing! Feel free to speculate about the crazed mind of Bo Swiderski, who may not even be a real person. (I'm not even going to wait until tomorrow to post these; enjoy them now.)  Comment away...


  1. I think that's meant to be blood.

  2. look at the text overlaying the wrinkle pattern, it's obviously fake text typed over an image of crumpled blank white paper made to look like a discarded letter. in a real crumpled letter, the text would not be so straight. in any case, they are very funny! the sauce stains are a nice touch. good find.

  3. Yeah, "Care of the Mental Hospital" also tipped me off.

  4. Wow, they actually get letters. That's like being a successful reject.

    James - offbeat fiction shorts

  5. For more Badgoodness check out my 5-book toy tie-in series POG WAR 2015. Chapter One of Book One "POG Wild" available here:
