Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Spam! A Lot!

Does it mean something when your blog starts getting spammed to holy hell? Above is merely one example; I also get Viagra, iPhone, and porn spam to the tune of about 20 a day. Does this means my blog has arrived and is considered lucrative? Or does it mean I have entered the 9th circle of hades? Does anyone know?


  1. It usually means that someone in your household has been viewing online porn. Kidding, kidding. It means that your blog is successful and linked to many organizations that are also successful.

  2. It means you need to set your comments with higher security.

  3. So these are my choices, and I have it set to anyone, but if I set it to the others, it means people have to register to be members of my blog, or have to have a google acount (Is that a drag?):

    Anyone - includes Anonymous Users
    Registered Users - includes OpenID
    Users with Google Accounts
    Only members of this blog

  4. you need to use word verification. it's in the comment settings.

  5. Well for mine I just make sure they have to enter that stupid annoying code before they post a comment. Seems to work for me.

  6. Yes, do what RQ suggests, then we, your beloved mice, can keep comin' ;)

  7. I understand why someone would spam with a link, but why make a spam comment without a link? I sometimes get a comment like, "I like your blog, it keeps getting better!" with the exact same wording I've seen on other blogs. What is up with that??

  8. I always reject the weirdly worded repeat comments; I think of them as worms boring a hole in the blogosphere around my blog, letting in other spam. I know that is the wrong metaphor, but that's my naturalist conspiracy theory. Maybe Trojan horse would be a better metaphor. Not sure.

  9. Wordpress has an Akismet anti-spam plugin that works very well. Maybe Blogspot has something similar?

  10. I rec'd this oddball Chinese (?) comment the other day, as well. And I've got word verification. About a year ago, I rec'd a comment which wouldn't allow me to delete it, so for a time I disabled comments entirely. But given that I receive so few comments, I guess it's not a biggie. (There's a lesson in here somewhere; I think it's got something to do with cooking every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook, then blogging about it. Already been done, you say? Blerg!)
