Monday, January 18, 2010

Time: It Passes So Slowly

From the mailbag today, came this: "Go to the duotrope website and under "what's new" look at Narrative Magazine. Two responses: One is a 10 day acceptance; the other, a 776 rejection. 776 days! [Scroll down the large list to #509 & #510.] Can you imagine?"  Unfortunately, I can.


  1. Duotrope has a weird on-again off-agian relationship with 666evitarraN666. Sometimes they include the *cough* magazine in their listings, and sometimes they exclude it on the grounds that it charges reading fees.

    It seems the last time I checked Duotrope, the N-word was included. But the time before that, it was listeded as "does not qualify," and then the time before that, it was in again. Has anyone else noticed this?

  2. WR, where has your little blue sadface with blurb about yourself gone? Are you in the process of "coming out" or something equally transformative??

  3. No, just lost it (apparently) while messing around with my blog. Dangerous. to get it back?

  4. Wow, that makes my 546-day rejection from "Galacti Citizen" seem rather pissant.

  5. duotrope also has something strange going on with American Short Fiction because they charge a few bucks electronic submission fee, like missouri review or southwest review. but they have nixed ASF from their stats. it's annoying because asf is a good magazine, and much more earnest than narrative, which charges like $20.

  6. @Very

    I think ASF is out because they only accept electronic, whereas Missouri and Southwest still accept postal subs for free. It is weird that N gets a pass. Perhaps it is because they have that tiny window for fee-less submissions.

    I don't think all fee charging places should be blacklisted; they could be evaluated case by case.
