Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Enter Contest...Get Critique

These ladies have found a brilliant way to get people to follow their blog: A contest to get critiqued by a literary agent.  I don't know...do we need more agent critiques?  Maybe someone does.  Just thought I'd pass it along, while subtly promoting their blogs.  BTW, it's very sunny and warm where I am, and I am totally chilling, still thinking about the new book, which of course is part of writing, but not doing much else.  It's nice.  I recommend.


  1. I just checked it out. Seems like they want you to do a lot for something that's not even guaranteed.

  2. Hey, thanks for the link! I hope someone thinks it's a worthwhile prize. :)

  3. sounds like pretty much like every activity in life, a lot of work and no guarnateed reward for anything. but should that deter us from doing stuff? i will ponder this during my mini lunch break staycation.

  4. How is this a contest? I looked at the site and basically all she wants is for you to follow her crappy blog and the crappy blogs of her agent friends (who should be scouting new talent instead of sitting around creating more crappy blogs that few people will read). The form she wants you to fill out is all about how you can promote her work. So, how is the "winner" picked? Is it the person who does the most work promoting her site the winner? Or does she just pick a name out of a hat? Either way, I pass.
    And the pay-off is just a look at your query letter which they'll most likely use to critique on their website in the hopes of further promoting their own websites. This whole thing is really distasteful to me.

  5. Please follow my blog. Please. PLEASE!!!!
