Friday, March 5, 2010

Even the Literary Agents in Iowa Don't Want You

Enough said.  Best wishes indeed.


  1. Does the renewed frequency of postings mean you're back from vacation, WR? If so, how was it? And welcome back!

  2. They grow corn in Iowa! Acka dacka rockbox.

  3. you should queried the doyenne, i hear she's more receptive

  4. Yes, I'm back. Vacation was really pretty great. Why don't I do it more often? I only had a few hours here and there of paid work, though I tried to stave off the troops. I kept getting emails from this client or that saying "Are you STILL on vacation?" Anyway, they were all waiting patiently with their deadlines and their copy needs when I got back, so that was fine. I also did a little research and thought and thought and thought about how to start the new book, which I think I figured out. We'll see. Other than that it was a lot of sunshine and some trips away, and some good solid time with the family. Thanks for asking. Happy to be back.

  5. I'm pretty sure I have a few rejection letters from this one, too ...

  6. The one that gnashes by teeth is the bit about how you're supposed to be truly able to achieve any goal you desire with persistence and hard work.

    Hey, I am the biggest advocate of persistence and hard work you will ever find...but even I don't think that it's a magic bullet.

    I don't know if I'll ever achieve my writerly goals. (I have some pretty offbeat ones, actually.) But I do know that persistence and hard work have improved my writing and that makes me happy, happy, happy....
