Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Outside Looking In

What to do when even the stupid advertisers reject you:
"When I first reviewed your site, I admit that I must not have spent enough time familiarizing myself with your content. The posts I previewed were edgy, but basically acceptable under our editorial guidelines. After more careful review, I’m finding many potential problems (not with your content, but things that our advertisers will object to.) I don’t think it would be fair for us to ask you to alter your blogging style, and I apologize for not reviewing your content more carefully before accepting your site for our network. I’m happy to discuss our editorial guidelines with you and see if we can make it work – but at this time, I cannot issue ad code for your site."
P.S. Not mine...found it on the Interwebs.  I don't apply for advertisers, though  maybe I should.  The rejections are entertaining, it appears.


  1. wtf? This person doesn't deserve to have a job, even with a crappy online advertising agency.

    Wish my job would let me half-ass it and then later come back and say, "Sorry, I never actually, you know, read the material."

  2. bogging is never profitable unless you're a spammerApril 28, 2010 at 5:59 PM

    lol, so he skimmed a blog the first time around and approved it for advertising. then, out of what?--curiosity, orders from above--he goes back to read the blog and decides it's too controversial to approve for advertising.

    you know he'll cover his ass at work just by saying, "oh, the blogger suddenly changed style and that's why i revoked the ads" i agree that this person doesn't really deserve a job if he can't do something as simple as see if a blog's focus matches an advertiser's. i give him points for honesty though.

  3. blogging isn't profitableApril 28, 2010 at 6:02 PM

    (you don't have to publish this comment) not sure if the post is about you or another person's rejection, but amazon associates is one of the easiest programs to get into and doesn't pay to bad. it's commission based.

  4. And what was the problem with the content of this blog? Did it mention the S-word, or even worse; the F-word? >:)))

    Cold As Heaven

  5. this is kinda awful v.v... but you are still doing a great job n.n some advertising website wont tell you if you are doing it well :D you should just know it :D
    keep doing what you do best n.n
    and ask that person to go fuck him/herself :)
