Monday, April 5, 2010

Tender Young Shoot

It's that time of year again. Spring is here, and everywhere young peeps are receiving college rejections. The season offers warmer weather and momentary solidarity with juicy youth. It makes me feel like I understand that distant generation, at least I understand their pain. A (young?) LROD (British?) reader sent the following in with the comment, "Two days after a phone interview! AH IT BUUUURRNNNSS!" Here's the rejection: Thank you for your application for admission to the above programme at Goldsmiths College. I regret to inform you that, after careful consideration, the College is unable to offer you a place. Your application was reviewed by the relevant programme admissions tutor whose decision was made after careful analysis of all relevant areas, including your academic qualifications, relevant life and work experience, personal statement and academic reference. There is strong competition for places on the majority of programmes at the College and every decision is taken in the context of a high ratio of applications to vacancies. Because of the popularity of our programmes, the College has to turn down many well-qualified applicants every year. Thank you for your interest in Goldsmiths College.


  1. That looks almost word for word the same as the letters I've been getting recently...I feel your pain!

  2. Ah well - I did my Fine Art degree at Goldsmiths' but they turned me down for an MA - it still rankles almost 20 years later.

  3. That's the life of an admissions officer, my friend. Crushing the hopes and dreams of young people everywhere.
