Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Check This Out

Slushpile Hell: A Grumpy Literary Agent Wades Through Query Fails


  1. I just blogged about this today, too! Well, queries in general, but linked to Slushpile Hell. So many gems.

    Thanks for keeping my sense of humor stimulated, Rejection Displayer.

  2. I don't think this agent is grumpy. This agent is just feeding off of all the idiot inspiring authors and their worthless query letters. I actually find it humorous.

  3. The editor in me must comment on this...the query excerpts are funny enough to stand on their own; the commentary fails. I think this guys tumblr would be much more amusing without his attempts at snarky remarks.

  4. Disagree, anonymous. There needs to be human pain for these to be funny. Without his commentary, however much it may not at times hit the mark, these queries would just be sad. I don't want to be sad. I want to laugh. With the dude receiving them.
