Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good News!!

The 99th agent is interested in the novel: praise the lord! Can you believe? Spoke on the phone today and came up with a plan for a reasonable revision. The comments were very apt and well-considered; the novel will be better for the effort. How about that folks? A little forward motion after all. Thank you for all your good thoughts, prayers, and breath-holding. I have to revise by August 1st, a tall order, but tonight I celebrate (and sleep), and let it sink in. Here is part of the joyous email received today: "Sorry for the delay. I finished [title of novel] and I’m a huge fan of the book. The premise is fantastic and the last half of the book completely drew me in, and even left me breathless in the rush to the conclusion. That being said, I had some thoughts as I was reading and wanted to see if you’re interested in working together editorially."


  1. Long-time reader, and I just wanted to say: Congratulations!

  2. Congrats on the news. Enjoy your night of celebrating and good luck with the edits. *cheers* You can do it!

  3. That's great news! Good for you and best wishes for smooth revisions. Having an agent fan must be the best.

  4. Awesome! Congrats! I wish I had more to add. Or maybe this much more: when it's published are we gonna get to know who you are or are we gonna have to guess based on, I dunno, strategically placed clues that hint at your story? Or will that just forever remain a mystery? 'Cause I'm cool with whatever, really.

  5. Well hot damn! This is excellent news! Plus, you've set what might actually be a realistic benchmark: Guaranteed success* in 100 agents or less!

    (* Success not guaranteed. Results may vary.)

    Congrats, and if your snappy new agent manages to sell this thing and you can ever find a way to clue us in, you've have sold as many books as you have readers for the blog, because I know we're all dying to buy a copy. :)

  6. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, what a wonderful email! So persistence can pay off when the rejections get overwhelming... you can give hope to the weary among us, lol :) I am not even at query stage yet but acceptance at #99 will keep lots of us going! Congrats again!

  7. Wonderful news. Celebrate!

  8. Mazel Tov, Writer Accepted!

    She wouldn't be willing to invest time & sweat on a revision if she weren't head over heels in love.

  9. Good news and congrats. Your ordeal puts the lie to the whole "What to look for in an Agent" and "What to ask before you sign?" headlines, doesn't it? We have to evaluate agents before we send them our stuff because the only evaluation after that is, "Will the agent rep me?"

  10. To buy a book just because you "know" an author in cyberspace? No thank you. If it looks promising, I'll check it out--so the blog could be good advertising in that respect. But I don't like the idea of people reading the book to figure out whether W,R is any good or just full of hot air. Or just to go: oh, that's who that is. Wow. Which is what it would turn into if you bought the book for those reasons. Then just think of how sad W,R would be if people bought the book for superficial reasons and thereby missed the soul-wrenching material insides its covers. Let's buy the book because it's a damn fine read and leave it at that.

  11. Yay! Congrats and good luck with the revisions. I'm rooting for you. :)

  12. Hope it all works out!

  13. Heartfelt congratulations!

    And Rejection Queen? Your turn is next, and I am never wrong...sort of.


  14. Congratulations WR! Evidently your fellow countrymen are so proud of your accomplishment they've decided to let off a few fireworks in your honor...

    I'll keep digits crossed that this leads to Rightful and Proper Publication in due course.
