Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scandal Might Be Overstatement

Here's an article I'm not sure I understand about a current "scandal" at the Paris Review. Really? Because the new editor isn't a poet? Is that what fuels this....zzzz....Oh, sorry. Fell asleep.


  1. Re: photo, OMFG!

  2. These poets and their outrage...aye aye aye, or however you spell that.

    What makes Paris Review different from any other literary journal? All lit j's are edited by a select group of people with their own personal preferences. And one does not have to be an active poet to be a poetry editor anyway.

    What it sounds like is a bunch of entrenched poetry professors getting scared that their gravy train is bypassing the station. Oh noes! Paris Review might actually publish an unknown poet under these new editors!

  3. Okay, every now and then you get a pic that I just cannot look at. And this is one of them. Paris Review, poet, not qualified, blah blah blah, WHAT MADE YOU CHOOSE THAT FU*&ING PHOTO????

  4. I happened across it and I couldn't look away, or listen away, either, for that matter. What is it about photos with body part mixing that is so freaky? I don't know. I just wanted to share it with you. Sorry.

  5. I think the scandal is more about the fact that poems that were accepted by the previous editor were subsequently rejected by the new editor. I'd probably get a little whiny myself if that happened to me. (And I guess the fact that the new editor isn't a poet kind of adds insult to injury? But that's definitely a secondary issue.)
