Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just-Plain-Bad-Taste Rejections (Love)

All's fair in love. Apparently. Makes me glad my rejections are mainly of the impersonal literary type.


  1. I think the last one is fake cuz eharm takes anyone with a credit card.

  2. e harmoney wouldn't take my sister because she is gay.

  3. eHarmony has a separate site for gay/lesbian matches, compatible partners. Part of that was because the main site has a lot of assumptions built into it that don't translate well to L/G pairing (disclaimer: I've recently started working at eH and have seen some of the oddly hard-wired aspects of the system).

  4. W/R totally off point question. You know how a lot of people do simultaneous subs to literary journals that don't take simultaneous subs, just because the chances of being accepted are so small? What about contests? Have you ever entered a contest, like say Glimmer Train, where your chances are poo and the submitted that story to journals? Is that "worse"??
