Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For What It's Worth, There's This Book

Sorry I'm so late to post tonight. Some goober at work was so late on his deadline that he messed up my perfect evening. I had toiled all weekend to make sure that I hit today's EOD (that's ass speak for "end of day," btw) deadline, so I would have part of the day and all of the evening clear.  Get this: Goober sends me an email at 6:15 and asks if he can call me in an hour to discuss the changes that I'll need to make based on the changes he finally got his lazy ass done with! He (and everyone else in the agency) was supposed to get changes to me last night, so I could stay up all night just for, you know, good measure.  Oy.  Sometimes I really hate the other humans; disorganized as goats, they are. That said, here's a book that has nothing to do with this rant, but everything to do with rejection. I don't know if it's any good, but there's a list of these kinds of books over at Laura Resnick's blog. And here's the author's own description of the book:
This is a collection of columns and essays I've written for various publishing trade journals on living and working as a professional novelist. Using anecdotes from my own career and the experiences of dozens of writers who shared their stories with me, the book explores creative and professional strategies and adventures, surviving numerous publishing mishaps, what it's really like to do book signings and public appearances, and many other topics.
Here's the fancy blurb she managed to snag: "Laura Resnick's witty comments on the struggles a writer faces in today's world of publishing are refreshingly insightful. A welcome voice in an often solitary profession." —Jean Auel, author of Clan of the Cave Bear

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