Monday, October 25, 2010

Not Quite Right For Junior High

Found this online. Is it me -- or are the editor's handwritten notes appearing in a younger and younger hand?  This is, like, 8th grade.


  1. It's also grammatically incorrect - should be "Neither of these IS..." no?

    Maybe it was take your kid to work day...

  2. What does it take to be a fiction "reader" at the New Yorker? I think you just have to be someone's niece or nephew. The job of rejecting un-agented manuscripts does not require much skill. That note probably was written by a 14 year old girl.

  3. I am so glad to hear this observation expressed by someone else. The handwriting is in a childish hand, to match the tiny, nasally valley girl voice.

  4. subject/verb agreement

  5. I guess my comment didn't register?

    I was pointing out the grammar is also faulty (it should be "neither of these IS" adding to the suspicion that this was written by an underage intern.

  6. Still, a rejection from The New Yorker with actual writing on it is pretty much like an acceptance from anywhere else.

  7. This is stupid. The interns who read the slush at the New Yorker are graduate students in the Columbia MFA Program. Grow up, people; you're only making yourself look like little kids.

  8. Sometimes the interns are graduate students in the NYU MFA Program.

  9. lots of adult women have handwriting like that. it's quite legible, and personally, i prefer it to more "adult" scrawling cursive or more manly angular handwriting. readable handwriting is a sign of intelligence and organized thought processes. grammatical error aside, i don't find anything juvenile in the note.
