Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Warrior of My Heart

Strange sentiment, no? "Although we've decided against your work, once upon a time we were interested." I guess the idea is that you'll feel better knowing you weren't just immediately dismissed as a terrible writer out of hand. Is it better or worse knowing that Black Warrior had interest upon opening the envelope, but quickly lost that loving feeling? Also, this is a form rejection, so how sincere could the "it's-not-you-it's-me" excuse really be taken? Not very.


  1. Hmm, Black Warrior doesn't do postal submissions anymore, so this must be old, but it seems a basic tiered response. No thanks, but you were close. Not as nice as a yes please, but better than the generic rejection.

  2. why is the website url inside pointy brackets?

  3. That used to be the standard way of setting off URLs.

  4. they....should.. really considering changing the black in the name.
