Thursday, November 4, 2010

Almost Good Enough

So, this is what a non-form New Yorker rejection looks like.  Nice.


  1. Most writers would drool over that one! (how dorky writers are!) Wish I had the Columbia/Iowa connections to get a letter like that. And nobody jump on my @$$ for saying that, you know it's true...

    The most prestigious rejection letter I've ever received was from VQR, but that's a can of worms best left unopened for now. My new goal is to get one from Paris Review. Wish me luck.

  2. I'd probably frame that.

  3. Wow. It exists.

    I assume this writer's story was submitted via an agent, but maybe I'm wrong?

  4. Oooh, I've never seen one of those before.

  5. It has nothing to do with literary connections, haveing an agent, or a degree from the right school. Plenty of writer's get personnelized rejection letters from the New Yorker, and plenty even get published right from the slush pile. It is merrit alone that get's a story published in the New Yorker.

    Proof: They allow anyone to upload there fiction manuscrip by pdf on the web submissions' form. Now if they only published people with the right connections whom were already famous, why would they have a submissions' form? Hmmmm? You are all just jelous bitches. I rest my case.

  6. 23884506. Is that a prison number? And no, the New Yorker doesn't publish anything from the slush pile. You can submit, but it won't do you any good. They haven't taken anything from the slush pile in decades. It has EVERYTHING to do with literary connections, having an agent, and a degree (also loads of talent).

    Of course, more people might believe you if you, um, could use spell check?

  7. joak, any one? no? thats why a humerless socalled righter such as yourself will never get plucked from the slush pill. got to have a modicum of sence for satire.

  8. Maybe if you were funny it would work.
