Monday, November 8, 2010

VQR Closed for Business?

I missed this article last month. Sad, all around. "They have closed the offices of the Review, founded in 1925 and housed in a campus building designed by Thomas Jefferson, pending the outcome of the investigation."  Discuss, please.


  1. Very sad, indeed. It was one of the better magazines.

  2. I thought he was cleared??

  3. From their website:

    "As you may know, VQR has been on hiatus, but is working toward getting back into operation in the next few weeks."

    Not closed yet, it seems.

  4. it sad but
    bullying issues lead to the guys death???
    I don't understand
    what could constitute bullying
    sound silly to me.

  5. 'The investigation has divided the literary community"

    what is this east cost west cost something out of the 90's hip hop scene?

    people need to grow up!

  6. Everything I've read indicates that the VQR is continuing. This article looks like it was compiled from old information.

  7. My subscription just ran out, and I'm trying to decide what to do. I've already been burned by Realms of Fantasy going under. If VQR is on the way out - and I really hope it's not - I don't want to lose my money.

  8. I know, someone just committed suicide--and a top journal is going under--but you might lose your money! what a disaster (all three of them)!

  9. I don't think they will close permanently, but when they reopen, I don't think they will be under the University of Virginia anymore. Maybe they will move to Virginia Tech. (Sorry, bad joke.)

  10. They aren't going to shut down. They are merely taking a break. Don't worry.
