Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You've Got Such an Unusual Mind

An anonymous LROD reader sent this rejection in for your consideration.  It's from Rattle, a journal of "Poetry for the 21st Century":
Hi Writer: Unfortunately this didn't make the final cut, but it came close -- I really enjoyed it, especailly the ending. You've got an unusual mind that's interesting to read. I think you'll have something make it all the way eventually. Sorry for the bad news with this one, though. Best, Tim
Sometimes it's worse when you know how close you actually came.


  1. all jokes aside tim a god guy.

  2. I don't mind knowing how close it was. I think I'd actually find it encouraging.

  3. well, I hope it came Dangerously close to getting in. lol

    I really feel for the Vitim lol

    - Mike

  4. Tim is the stock-name of any guy the "Facts of Life" girls had their hearts broken by in the 80s.

  5. yes and for that I'm greatful .
    I wanted to show people that RATTLE magazine is for real poets from the post man too a homeless man.You have chance when submitting to them.
    I believe RATTLE is the most down to earth of the higher ranking journals.
    1 out 300 make it in but RATTLE had a issue dedicated to the underground poet. thank you, rattle for bring us a real Community .

  6. I know everyday people who made in into rattle,about 2 of them so don't say anything bad about the poet Tim.
    RATTLE came from the poet ruble just like you and me :)

  7. Tim IS a great guy. And that was a kind rejection -- I mean, I'd love to hear that I have "an unusual mind that's interesting," and that I'll make it someday.

    The picture doesn't match the kind rejection.

  8. Yes your right about the picture although it's not my choice the site admin likes to poke fun of "rejections" well it really not a rejection it more like a symbolic
    approval. It's one of best and most important ones I ever got that a personal type message.I saying that one one I could symbolically frame and put on my wall so here it is :)

    Rattle has one of the best form rejection .

  9. It's a rattle snake, a play on the name of the journal, and I take every rejection as a bite in the face. Don't mind me.

  10. yes most rejection are a bite in the face but tim is cool :)

  11. It's like I always say: "Love the rejector, hate the rejection." (Wait, is that me or the Catholic church? I get us so confused sometimes.)

  12. lol yea
    "IF You cant beat then join em
    ' lol

    well I've sent more to rattle that how much I like a bite lol it addictive and now I can right with 5 deadly venom. I'm so unstoppable man lol

  13. write mot right lol
    I'm sorry to my English teachers lol
    I don't represent you well lol

  14. hey! maybe rattle should come out with a special addition with excerpts
    which didn't make the final cut lol DVD or a Chinese bootleg edition
    I'm just teasing lol

  15. I've had two (I think...) poems in RATTLE, and a few rejections, and the correspondence from Tim was warm and supportive--I always feel that my work is taken seriously there and that they value my efforts, whether or not they can use any specific piece.

    Tthis is the sort of communication that builds a following, and I'm glad to be a part of the experience.

  16. thank for saying Gregory Loselle
    I'm hoping to have my poem publish
    in RATTLE that would mean a lot me.
    anyway TIM a really good poet.

  17. there are two gays so seeing this photo.

    2. your a snake of a great writer but it was hard to break into. you were close.

  18. Doesn't sound too personal of a rejection letter... "Dear writer"?

  19. It said the writer's name, but I changed it to make it anonymous.
